With good judgement, stop car straight and close to curb.
Condition 1. No gap seen in right mirror
Gear to "R", full left turn, checks, drift back, softly settles wheels with curb
Gear to “P” and park brake
Condition 2. Gap seen in right mirror
Gear to "R", one right turn, checks, drift car back till curb NO more seen in right mirror
One left turn, drift back 2 meter (about 2 seconds)
Complete left turn, checks, drift back, softly settles wheels with curb
Gear to “P” and park brake
Driving Out
Gear to “D”, release park brake
Left check, left signal
When safe, move to drive lane
With good judgement, stop car straight and close to curb.
Condition 1. No gap seen in right mirror
Gear to "D", full right turn, checks, drift forward, softly settles wheels with curb
Gear to “P” and park brake
Condition 2. Gap seen in right mirror
Gear to "R", one right turn, checks, drift car back till curb NO more seen in right mirror
One left turn, drift back 2 meter (about 2 seconds)
Gear to "D", complete right turn, checks, drift forward, softly settles wheels with curb
Gear to “P” and park brake
Driving Out
Gear to “R”, release park brake
Carefully reverse car about 1 feet & stop
Straighten the tires, Gear to “D”
Left check, left signal
When safe, move to drive lane
Ensure car straight along with curb. Gap seen in right mirror
By Moving Backward
Gear to "R", one right turn, checks, drift car back till curb NO more seen in right mirror
One left turn, drift back 2 meter (about 2 seconds)
Another left turn, drift back until car straight (see curb straight in right mirror)
One right turn to straighten wheels
By Moving Forward
Keeping balance between viewing curb in right mirror and viewing curb from front window, drift car towards curb and drive straight for very small distance along with curb and stop (It is a guess work and needs judgement and experience)
Approach Slow, Straight with Right Signal - position your car parallel to the parked vehicle, about 1 meter apart
Stop - when back corner of parked vehicle positions just after your rear passenger window
Gear to “R”, One turn right
Find 45 degree point - quite far on your line of sight passing along left mirror block of your car (no tilting of your head/body)
Checks before start and while reversing till 45 degree - give way to passing and on-coming vehicles on your left
Reverse till 45 degree point - seen straight in front of you from middle of the steering (no tilting your head/body)
One turn left
Checks, Reverse till rear left back edge of parked vehicle seen from right bottom corner of your windshield (no lifting your head)
Complete left turn
Rear check, Reverse till your car is straight
Straighten wheels (two right turns)
If car close to curb then gear to “P” and park brake
Correction if Car away from curb
Steer complete right
Left check, drift car back till curb NO more seen in right mirror
Straighten tires
Drift back 2 meter (about 2 seconds)
Left turn, drift back until car straight
Straighten tires, gear to "P" and park brakes
Correction if Car touches the curb
Turn full right
Creep forward
Turn full left
Creep back until car straight , then straighten tires
Driving Out
If you feel close to front vehicle, then little reverse before driving out, else
Gear to “D”, release park brake, turn full left
Left check, left signal
When safe, move to drive lane
Keep car as far away as possible from the parking spot before turning into it
Only brake work, no gas paddle, moving car as slow as possible
When side mirror about to cross 1st vehicle, complete turn towards parking spot while moving into it
When about half move in, start steering to move towards far edge of 2nd vehicle
Then complete opposite turn and move ahead till car straight
Straighten the tires and close up to front edge if required
Correction If car not in center or not straight
With straight wheels, carefully crawl back TILL possible
Now you can easily see what fixing is required.
Fix it while driving forward